Stakeholder Communication

Impact Analysis of Material Topics

Following the definition of materiality in the GRI Universal Standards 2021 edition, Phihong consolidated 17 sustainability topics of stakeholder concern, assessing the organization’s external impacts on the economy, environment, and people, including human rights’ actual and potential impacts. Through significant issue matrix analysis and joint discussions among various units, the Sustainability Development Committee, and task forces, Phihong identified 11 highly and moderately material sustainability topics with the most significant influence as the basis for fully disclosing their management approaches and performance outcomes in the report. Compared to the previous year’s report, the 2023 edition added two new material topics: “Corporate Governance and Risk Management” and “Information Security and Customer Privacy.” Additionally, three previous topics, namely “Low Carbon Product Design,” “Product Quality and Safety,” and “Employee Care and Welfare,” were still included as material topics in 2023.

Procurement Practices

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AspectSustainability TopicLevel of ConcernOccurence
Actual / PotentialImpact
( + / - )
Is it material?Order of
Climate change responseMediumMediumActualHigh ( + )8
Green R&D and InnovationHighHighActualHigh ( + )1
Energy & Greenhouse Gas ManagementHighHighActualHigh ( - )3
Water resources managementLowMediumPotentialLow ( - )
Hazardous Substance ManagementHighLowPotentialMedium ( - )
Waste managementMediumMediumPotentialMedium ( - )
Social (S)Talent attraction and retentionHighHighActualMedium ( + )9
Talent cultivation and developmentHighHighActualMedium ( + )10
Employee Rights and Diversity and
MediumMediumActualMedium ( + )
Occupational Health and SafetyHighHighPotentialMedium ( - )11
Community Investment and EngagementLowLowActualMedium ( + )
Governance (G)Operating performanceHighHighActualHigh ( + )2
Corporate Governance and Risk
HighMediumPotentialHigh ( + )5
Integrity management and compliance
with regulations
HighMediumPotentialHigh ( - )6
Sustainable supply chain managementHighMediumPotentialHigh ( - )7
Information Security and Customer
HighHighActualHigh ( - )4
Procurement PracticesMediumLowPotentialMedium ( - )