Stakeholder Communication

The Boundary Identification of Material Topics

● Actual Impact ◐ Potential Impact ○ Direct Impact from Facilitation or Business Relationships
AspectKey IssuesRelationship between major parties and PhihongPositive and Negative ImpactsInternal ImpactExternal Impact
SupplierCustomerShareholdersCommunityGovernment AgenciesNGO
GOperational performance
Through stable growth in revenue and profit, we attract talent and create economic benefits.+
GIntegrity managementIntegrity is the core of Phihong's corporate values, central to all activities and the foremost principle of our business philosophy.-
GCorporate governance and risk managementPhihong's board of directors is independent and diverse, with extensive cross-industry experience, that forms the foundation of Phihong's sustainable operations.-
GManagement information security and customer privacyGood data flow control and information security management.-
GClimate change responseWe identify the financial impact of climate change on operations.-
EEnergy and greenhouse gases-
EGreen research and innovationWe develop green, low-carbon products with a product life cycle mindset.+
EOperational performanceWe work with our suppliers to implement corporate social responsibility, promote sustainable environmental development, and protect basic human rights.-
STalent selection, training and retentionPhihong plans a complete career system and promotion system for the promotion, transfer and retention of employees.+
STalent development and growthDevelop a personal learning and development plan based on personal professional skills, career interests and work style.+
SOccupational health and safetyTo build a healthy and safe workplace environment for our employees.+